When it comes to your smile, the gums are an essential part of your oral health. If you have gum recession, you might notice that your gums are pulling away from your teeth leaving them vulnerable to decay as the tooth roots become exposed to oral acids and bacteria. Left untreated, gum recession will not only affect the supportive tissues and bone holding your teeth, you could experience tooth loss.
Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique
At Precision Periodontics & Dental Implants, our skilled team offers advanced periodontal care to help you overcome the effects of gum recession. Our periodontists, Dr. Ryan Mendro and Dr. Lucia Roca Mendro can cover and protect your exposed tooth roots using a minimally invasive procedure known as the Chao Pinhole® surgical technique. This innovative treatment is a simple yet effective treatment that allows them to cover the exposed tooth roots with healthy gum tissues.
The beauty of pinhole surgery is that it is both scalpel-free and suture-free. Instead of cutting into the gum tissue, our periodontists create a tiny pinhole in the damaged gums with a needle. Then, using specially designed instruments our doctors gently loosen the affected gum tissue and gently pull it back over the part of the tooth exposing the roots. This leading-edge technique means there is no cutting or stitching involved and recovery is quick.
Call to Learn More
The Chao Pinhole technique improves the quality of tissue surrounding your tooth root, may help prevent tooth/bone loss and can improve the cosmetic appearance. If you find yourself with receding gums, we invite you to contact our team to learn more.