If you have missing teeth, your face can appear to be sunken in and suffer from bone loss. A sunken face will make a person’s face look older than it truly is. Consider fixing the damage with tooth replacement such as dental implants. Dental implants can help make you appear younger, improve your smile and function by restoring your missing teeth.
For more information about dental implants, consider the following:
-Your jaw can melt away if teeth are lost. Dental implants help maintain your bone which can help maintain your natural appearance.
-Dental implants are customized specifically for each patient to fit their dental profile for a natural and comfortable fit that can improve function and appearance.
-Dental implants can fill out your dental profile and make you look much younger than a face plagued by missing and lost teeth.
-Other treatments such as dentures can become loose and fall out at awkward moments, but dental implants can hold them in place.
-A smile filled with a complete set of teeth can improve your self-esteem and self-worth.
If you are looking for dental implant treatments in Ocoee, FL, come visit our friendly team at Precision Periodontics & Dental Implants soon. To schedule an appointment, simply call 407-378-0877. With the help of our professional team, the dream of a complete smile can come true. We look forward to seeing you soon!