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Bone Grafting Essentials

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Are you familiar with bone grafting? Do you know why it is often recommended or needed for a dental implant? If not, you are at the right dental blog! Bone grafting is a popular procedure that is successful at restoring the bone loss in your jaw and improve the strength of your jawbone.

Our periodontists are qualified to help you through a bone grafting procedure. That is why our team at Precision Periodontics & Dental Implants in Orlando, Florida, has provided you with some insight on the bone grafting essentials.

To begin, the leading cause of tooth loss among adults is usually gum disease. Gum disease can threaten your teeth but can also harm your gums and cause your jawbone to weaken. In order to restore your oral health, a dental implant may be required to restore one or more of your teeth such as implant supported dentures. Nevertheless, to place a dental implant, you need sufficient jaw strength because the implant fuses deep to your bone for support. That is why a bone graft is necessary in order to restore your oral health and have a dental implant.

During the bone graft treatment, your surgeon will either take a piece of bone from another area in your body, or a unique bone grafting material will be used and placed into your jaw. As with any procedure, a healing period will be needed to make sure your graft holds and becomes strong and healthy enough. Fortunately, your specialist will be with you for every step of the procedure. When successful, the result includes restored jaw strength and restored teeth that will look and function as natural teeth do.

If you are in need of a bone grafting procedure, or if you have questions about if a bone graft is needed for you, please call us today at 407-378-0877 to set up an appointment. Our friendly team is happy to help you and answer your questions.