If you’re interested in protecting your oral health, you probably know that there are a few things you should do. For example, you may have heard that brushing and flossing is important. Furthermore, please feel free to contact us if you notice signs of gum disease, including signs of gum recession.
If you see brown spots on your gum line, if your teeth seem longer, or if you have red or swollen gums, you may have gum recession. Unfortunately, this issue could be caused by a number of problems. If you brush too hard or grind your teeth, gum recession may result. If your problem is caused by brushing, you could brush more gently and consider buying a brush with softer bristles. If you grind your teeth, you may experience regular headaches or have a sore jaw. If you think you could have TMJ disorder, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Naturally, it’s also important that you brush and floss your pearly whites regularly if you’re interested in avoiding gum recession. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with us, please don’t hesitate to give Precision Periodontics & Dental Implants at our office in Winter Garden, Florida, a call at 407-378-0877. Our periodontists and team will gladly address any questions you have. We’re eager to meet with you soon.