The new year is officially in full swing, and many of us feel inspired to set goals for improving our health. If this describes you, don’t forget to include your oral health! A healthy mouth, especially healthy gums, is worth striving for, especially since good gum health protects you from tooth loss and even bone loss. Why Healthy Gums Matter... read more »
When it comes to your smile, the gums are an essential part of your oral health. If you have gum recession, you might notice that your gums are pulling away from your teeth leaving them vulnerable to decay as the tooth roots become exposed to oral acids and bacteria. Left untreated, gum recession will not only affect the supportive tissues... read more »
Your gums do more than just make your smile look great, they keep your teeth anchored into your jaw bone so that your smile can thrive. When gum tissue starts to pull away from your teeth, it not only doesn't look nice, it can cause loss of supportive bone structure, cause root sensitivity and expose roots to cavity-causing acids and... read more »
Have you been diagnosed with periodontal disease? This gum infection that can arise in your mouth is important not to ignore. There are treatment options that can help you battle this oral disease to help make sure you don't lose your teeth to it. Thanks to modern technology, therapeutic scaling and root planing can be completed by our team to... read more »
As periodontists, our main focus is on helping you save your adult, permanent teeth whenever possible. You can protect your dental health by maintaining routine dental visits and taking time to brush, floss and rinse with mouthwash daily as recommended by your dentist. Good dental care can go a long way to keeping tooth decay and gum disease from damaging... read more »
Do you know what a frenectomy is? This is a simple surgical treatment where our periodontist removes the "frena" in your mouth to modify the binding tissues in the mouth. The "frenum" is what we call the small fold of connective tissue in your mouth that attaches one surface to another. It often refers to oral procedures correcting lip ties... read more »
When was the last time you had a dental cleaning and exam? If you are like many people these past two years, it’s been all too easy to let your routine cleanings slide for one reason or another. But even if you kept up with your daily brushing and flossing regimen, without those regularly scheduled cleanings, your gums may now... read more »
February is Gum disease awareness month! It is important because more than half of the adults in our country experience gum disease, leading to gum inflammation and infection. This relentless disease can wreak havoc on your oral health and adversely affects not just your gums but your jaw bone density and teeth, too. Advanced periodontal disease also puts you at... read more »
Taking good care of your teeth and gums daily goes a long way to providing you with a healthier smile today and in the years to come. Next to tooth decay, gum disease leads to loose teeth, tender gums, an unattractive smile and an increased risk for tooth decay. Over time, severe gum disease leads to tooth loss! Our Precision... read more »
As you can see, gum disease is no joke, but it also doesn’t just happen overnight. It means you can practice good oral hygiene habits to avoid succumbing to the ravages of this preventable oral disease. And if you do, your teeth, gums, smile, and body will be healthier. The Stages of Gum Disease Gum disease starts small as plaque... read more »