Our team’s job is to treat gum disease (gingivitis or periodontal disease). It is one of the ten most common diseases people deal with when it comes to their smiles. It is also the main cause of tooth loss in adults! If you have gum disease, you will need deep cleanings to overcome this chronic inflammatory condition affecting the oral... read more »
September is National Gum Care Month, and it is a big deal for your oral health. Good oral health is the foundation to a healthy-looking, self-confident appearance when it comes to your smile. By ensuring healthy teeth and gums – because when it comes to tooth loss, it is not just from tooth decay and cavities – periodontal disease is... read more »
A regular dental cleaning can’t reach down far enough to remove the accumulated plaque but is effective at helping to keep your gums healthy, so they don’t develop pockets. Patients that have developed deeper pocketing may need additional care to address this concern. Our periodontal team performs scaling and root planing (a non-surgical periodontal therapy) using special tools to give... read more »
Did you know that a big investment you can make in your overall health and self-confidence is to make sure you have a healthy smile? June 15th is National Smile Power Day, and it’s a great time to become more aware of the many benefits of having a healthy, confident smile wherever you go! The Psychology and Physiology of Smiling... read more »
When it comes to your gums, taking good care of them is vital if you want to keep them healthy so they can protect your pearly whites. Neglecting your gums can lead to periodontal (gum) disease, an infection of the oral tissues that anchor your teeth in their place. When you don’t brush and floss daily as recommended, harmful dental... read more »
If you have a tooth that has been extracted or lost, you will want to replace it. This is because the space left behind when a tooth is lost, whether to gum disease, injury or extraction, empty space can create problems with your surrounding teeth. Over time, the remaining teeth will gradually shift out of their proper position and gravitate... read more »
February is National Gum Disease Awareness Month, and we are here for it! Working daily with gums makes us excited about creating awareness on how best to keep your gums healthy no matter what your age. When we say your smile thrives on good oral care, most patients typically think of their teeth, but the gums are just as crucial... read more »
Did you know that detecting gum disease in the early stages makes it the most effectively and economically treated? This is true for many oral health issues. As a periodontist, our team specializes in the areas of the mouth that surround and support your teeth - your gums, bone and connective tissues. These are the parts that attach your teeth... read more »
Your teeth aren\’t the only things in your smile that can experience issues. Gum disease or periodontal disease can harm your smile and even your overall health. If your gums are diseased, harmful bacteria in the mouth can enter your bloodstream and could contribute to heart health conditions such as heart attack or stroke. Preventing Gum Disease Your first goal... read more »
When it comes to your smile, practicing consistent daily oral hygiene habits will help your gums maintain their health. And that's important because if you struggle with gum disease, your gum tissue may eventually recede from your teeth, exposing more of a tooth than looks normal. Recession can also harm your teeth as the gum tissue wears down, exposing sensitive... read more »