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What Do I Need to Know About My Gums?

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A healthy, beautiful smile begins with healthy gums. Effective home care with brush and floss twice every day and routine professional dental “cleanings” can greatly reduce your chances of gum disease. Being lax with your oral hygiene care might result in a buildup of biofilm and plaque allowing bacteria to grow which over time can result in periodontitis (gum disease). Untreated gum disease can potentially cause tooth loss and harm your overall health, including your cardiovascular health.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontitis is an infection in the gum tissue surrounding the teeth and bone. If left untreated, the infection can cause bone loss and eventual tooth loss. Seeing your dentist twice a year can help prevent and detect serious gum infections so they can be treated.

Periodontitis or gum disease is often painless and symptom-free in the beginning stages. Many patients do not notice any changes in the early stages. As the disease progresses, symptoms may include bleeding gums with brushing and the color of gums may change from pink to red and inflammation and bad breath. Discomfort, blisters on gums and tooth mobility are symptoms as the disease advances in the later stages.

Why is your periodontal disease happening?

Plaque buildup from poor oral hygiene habits is a huge reason you can end up at greater risk of periodontal disease. Other factors include having crooked teeth, interfering with your ability to clean properly, allowing plaque to thrive and eventually harden into tartar. For women, pregnancy hormones can affect gum health, as can diabetes. Lifestyle habits like smoking and chewing tobacco and taking certain medications can leave you struggling with poor gum health.

Treating your periodontal disease

An examination and consultation with one of our board-certified specialists is the first step in building the foundation for your
periodontal care. Treatment can vary based on the stage of periodontal disease including deep scaling to surgical and laser procedures.

Protect your oral health by practicing good oral hygiene daily and seeing your dentist regularly. If you have any concerns about your gum health, we welcome you to give our team a call to learn more or schedule a visit with our periodontal specialists. Your teeth and gums will thank you!